Free Digital Marketing Resources for Insurance Brokers

Here are some free resources that I've put together to help Insurance Brokers with their Digital Marketing activities. On this page I will post in-depth resources from time-to-time, but don't forget, you can always find short, actionable regular tips over on the blog page or even sign up for email updates.

Free Guide to Digital Marketing for Insurance Brokers

In this Free Guide, I will explain how most brokers think about Digital Marketing in completely the wrong way. I'll also explain the process you need to follow if you want to be one of the few that approach it the right way.

Just enter your name and email address and you'll instantly receive a copy of the guide.

Contact me if you have any queries about any aspects of the guide, or of Digital Marketing.

Guide to Digital Marketing for Insurance Brokers

Digital Marketing Webinar for Insurance Brokers

In 2017 I hosted a webinar for Insurance Brokers explaining how they could generate high quality leads for new commercial clients online, using Digital Marketing.

The webinar was well-received and I later ran a pre-recorded version with the same content, for people who weren't able to make the original date. The webinar is around 55 minutes long and can probably be claimed as part of your annual CPD log. You can request a link to the replay of the webinar below.

Digital Marketing Webinar for Insurance Brokers